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romantic kiss and hug


How do we get started

We believe that cultivating a fulfilling sex life begins by mastering the ability to regulate your emotions and transform stress into pure sexual energy. This empowerment can make you stand out in both your personal and professional life.


Where are our sessions going to be?

We prefer our office at 183 Main Street Lewiston Maine, we are also available worldwide via Zoom

What are our sessions going to look like? Are we going to get naked?

The short answer is no;  Somatic boundaries requires bathing suit areas to be covered at all times.  You will never be asked to step over your own boundaries. The closest analog would be an accredited professional cuddler, depending on our clients' individual needs. Some clients will  have all of their sessions completely online, while others may need a  more intimate approach that only a sexologist can provide. This can give  you the confidence to practice being fully connected with your partner in a safe and shame-free environment. 

What are the Somatic session boundaries?

All of our sessions are required to follow a set of guidelines to maintain professionalism, this is just a guide. 

Every practitioner has their own set of individual boundaries.


Somatic Emotional and Physical Boundaries


1.The Chemistry lab- feelings and eroticism are welcome within the boundaries of the session.

2. Connecting emotionally 

3. Allowing ourselves to feel genuine feelings and caring for our clients

4.Connecting emotionally 

5.Hearing and sharing feelings

6.Connecting eroticlly

7. Flirting

8. Letting yourself feel sexy/ turned on by each other

9. Receiving desire and fantasies

10.Showing passion


Hard limits:

1. Clothing on at all times

2. Touching goes both ways and dependent on client and practitioner

3. No kissing on the mouth or genitals

4. No stimulating towards orgasms during session


Will you tell anybody about what happens during our sessions or who I am working with?

We prioritize our clients' BOUNDARIES above all else and assure you that we will not divulge any information to any third party or your partner unless you explicitly request us to do so. Your email and any other information will not be shared with anyone, unless mandated under the "Duty to Warn Doctrine" or required by a subpoena.

The Duty to Warn Doctrine encompasses considerations such as:


For further details, please consult your practitioner.

Why would I need to see someone!? I'm the best!

In most places sex-ed involves learning how to make a baby and how not to get a scary STI, and at the most basic info on how to maintain everything. They teach you how to have sex... with a robot. Connecting with your partner is completely overlooked. If you get married, you get a pamphlet on how to file your taxes

but not on how to give and receive pleasure. Some couples go their entire life without knowing what turns each other on, we can talk with both sides and help you negotiate what would make you both happy without fear of rejection. Most people never get to talk about sex openly and freely with an expert who is not going to judge you and is able to guide you though these emotions. When most of us look for guidance we look to things like porn and tabloids for advice and end up getting advice on how to pleasure who wrote the article but not much else or just getting completely wrong information on what sex is supposed to be and taking the wrong things from porn and leaving the things you can use in real life. 


Let us help with these issues and more.

What is The Somatica® Method?

Rooted in emotional and erotic connection, the Somatica Method combines talk-based coaching with experiential practices to help coaches and clients expand their skills and beliefs around intimacy. This process is the key to changing your existing habits, uncovering your true self, and unlocking a more fulfilling sex life and deeper relationships.

It takes more than traditional talk-based therapy to unlearn the sexual or relational patterns we’ve picked up throughout our lives. To incite lasting change, you have to identify and shift habitual behaviors. The Somatica Method facilitates this through an experiential, embodied process, which is more effective than simply using cognitive learning techniques.


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